About Dirty Chai
This site is called ‘Dirty Chai’ because, like its owner, the name sounds Indian— but isn’t. More seriously, Dirty Chai is a grab bag of topics I love to chat about like food, economics and technology. John Gruber and Daring Fireball inspired me to build a home on the web and give it a whimsical name.
Thanks for visiting!
- Site deployment and styling: GitHub Pages + Cayman theme
- Editing code and prose: VS Code
- Drafting notes and scheduling tasks: Logseq + Incremental Blocks plugin
About Wahid Khan
I enjoy working as a data scientist at Doximity, a professional networking platform for clinicians. Before this, I trained in economics and worked in public policy analysis. If interested, my resume has professional details. My opinions on this blog don’t reflect my employers’ views.